Friday, May 29, 2015

Kaleidoscope Challenge

Recently the Quiltsy Team decided to have a Kaleidoscope Challenge to coincide with Etsy's Virtual Craft Party on June 5 and 6th. The theme of Etsy's party is paper kaleidoscopes. Well.....our thought was "Why not make them out of fabric instead". So we put out a challenge to our members to make a quilt use any one of a number of kaleidoscope patterns available. They could be any size from a small quilt up to a full size quilt.The members had a very short time period to make their quilts but several rose to the challenge. We are now putting it to a vote to see what is your favorite one. You have only one vote so make it count! Each picture below is a picture of one of these quilts. There is a little heart in the right hand upper corner that is grey. Click on that to make your vote and the heart will turn red. It is that easy.
We are ready to vote on your favorite Kaleidoscope quilt made by Quiltsy team members. You are allowed only one vote. The Quiltsy Team members with the top 3 votes will get prizes.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


sewfunquilts said...

They all are beautiful...difficult to vote for just one.

Carol Ethier said...

Voted, shared, tweeted! Beautiful work ladies! And so much fun!

Kathy Kinsella said...

Great quilts ... It was hard to choose just one! Congratulations to all of you.

Sally said...

What a great project! So happy to be a part of this wonderful team!

Anonymous said...

Great collection!--atthebrightspot

Pat King said...

Love them all. Do hard to pick just one. You are all winners!

djw quilts said...

I love how different the kaleidoscope block looks in each entry....hard to pick just one!

teachpany said...

They are all gorgeous! Congratulations on a great job, ladies!

quiltingfrenzy said...

They are all amazing! It was a difficult choice everyone did a fabulous job.

Kelly Dee said...

Voted and shared!

Jennifer said...

Amazing quilts!

Terry Aske Art Quilts said...

They are all wonderful quilts! I voted.

Debbie said...

Tedious looking designs! Oh but so wonderful. Voted!

cdore44 said...

Fabulous Kaleidoscope Quilts! Super hard to vote for just one, wish we could vote for all of them. What a talented group of Quilters! Awesome job! Best of Luck, Cheryl, C&C TwinSis

Astrid said...

Gorgeous kaleidoscope quilts!

Gail S. said...

Wow! These are gorgeous quilts!