The Quiltsy Team is a group of quilters who sell their handmade quilts on and when one of our team members alerted us to the plight of the victims of a forest fire in Tennessee, many wanted to send comfort to them.
The sixty-seven quilts filled the backseat of Jennifer and Lynn's car for delivery on Friday.

Jennifer tells us that the people there were so excited to receive the quilts and that the manager and helpers came out with shopping carts to help unload the quilts. They began sorting them as soon as they got them into the building.
The quilts will be distributed to those still recovering from losing their homes and belongings in the fire that swept down on the town of Gaitlinburg, Tennessee just over two months ago. The volunteers at the centre told Jennifer that the quilts will all be distributed within a day or two. There were people there receiving assistance at the time of the drop off and it seemed to be a very well run centre with cheerful volunteers helping people.
Thank you so much to all of those who donated quilts to help these people. They are truly grateful and wanted us to pass along those thanks to you. Special thanks to Susi for making the hang tags for all the quilts and to Jennifer's husband, Lynn, who contributed so much time and energy to help accomplish this.
Now look at all those boxes and bags to go to recycling . . .
Fantastic job, Quiltsy! And thank you so much to Jennifer and Lynn for collecting and delivering!
What an amazing team effort, and what an amazing cause! Thanks to all Quiltsy members who donated!
So heartwarming! Thanks much for all the effort, Jennifer and Lynn, and blessings and hugs to all who get a quilt.
I am so proud of out Team! I was blown away by the final number of quilts...thanks to everyone who donated & a special thank you to Jennifer & Lynn
This is so amazing! So glad to be part of this team! Thank you, Jennifer, for organizing this and Lynn for helping and all the others who pitched in!
Our team is so special! Always willing to help out, encourage, commiserate, and give to others. Thanks for sharing the pictures and to Jennifer and Lynn, a big Quiltsy hug for pulling it all together.
Wow! When the Quiltsy team takes up a cause, we really go all the way. So proud to be part of this team.
TEARS!!! What a beautiful out pouring of love for one another. I'm humbled by the efforts of Team Quiltsy, Lynn and Jennifer, Quiltsy Team Members who quilted tops for other Team Members, All Quilt contributors and let's not forget Kathy K who wrote it all for the blog! Blessings to all of you and the Tennessee fire victims!
Wow! Jennifer, you really inspired us with your stories about what the victims were going through and our hearts were touched- Thanks to you, Kathy, and all the wonderful, generous members of our team!
How wonderful to see all of our quilts collected! Thank-you to Jennifer for coordinating our efforts and collecting the quilts! I never cease to be amazed at the comfort some fabric and batting can bring to both the body and spirit!
Thank you for sharing the photos and all the organising, delivering, tags etc. Great to be part of this amazing project, what a fantastic team!
So that's what a carload of quilts looks like - amazing! What a true outpouring of caring. Proud to be a small part of this Team. Thanks, everyone!
Such an act of love to make a quilt that will comfort. I am so proud to be a part of this team and all the love we stitch together everyday!!! And there is a little bit of denim in there too...I see it!
Questo è il senso di far parte di un gruppo!
Di essere su etsy
Di essere blogger
Di essere parte del mondo virtuale che non è un limite o non è vero ma è MOLTO REALE e può permetterci di aiutare tantissime persone!!!!
Grazie a tutti quelli che VEDONO nel WEB un modo per FARE DEL BENE!
PS: io aiuto persone e animali molto spesso ed è facile in rete trovare gente generosa e che vuole dare una mano...non serve chiedere soldi...IL TEMPO è il bene più prezioso che si possa donare!
I absolutely love this!!! Shared on my socials and just so proud that Etsy peeps are doing such amazing things in the world!!! Good on you ladies...:)
What a beautiful thing! 💖
So proud of the ladies who participated and I imagine the recipients were very grateful for the outpouring of handmade love!
How does a quilter join Wuiltsy! This is a beautiful project! Quilters are the best!!
It was a great cause for us to donate our quilts. So much thanks to Jennifer for organizing the Quilty team!
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