Saturday, March 16, 2019

Quiltsy Cares 3/16/19

Today's featured quilter is Ilse of I Sew Totes.  Her charity is helping children to help other children!  Here is her story:

I'm donating a lap quilt to a local organization called "Small Things Matter." This is what they say about themselves:
"Our mission is to empower children of all ages with the belief that they can make a difference in our world by being kind and compassionate to others. We encourage them to do so by harnessing their talents to make a handcrafted item for children in hospitals and donating/hosting book drives for underserved children."
or on FB

My donation is a patchwork quilt using a collection of cat and paw prints in clusters of 4 and framed by a light blue print on the front, framed by an off-white band with beige paw prints.

The back is a colorful flannel with cats tumbling all over. There is also one little square on the front that has a tiny mouse - so it could be labeled as "I Spy a Mouse Quilt" - or something like that. Size 47" sq.

The quilt will be at a silent auction for this group in April.


Sally said...

Small things DO MATTER! What a great name for an organization that gives in so many ways. Your donation will have an impact on their goals.

MooseCarol said...

wonderful work for a deserving charity!